Random poem, thought I should post seen as it's been a while =]
Stupid heart shaped Ice cubes
Its a constant thought
A just in case
But when life hands you signs
The ones you dont want
So you ignore them
And the heart shaped ice cubes you’ve just broken
In two
Are forgotten.
SEND ME A SIGN!!! *cough* please!
I dare you
Go on, I dare you
The skies threatened rain
I dared them
Stared at their thick grey eyes
The road stretched on
Alike the world above me
One after another after another
The skies grew tired of my torments
It wasn’t worth it.
From one cloud to...a human?
Slight change of blog today :) Here is the response to the letter written in my 'sister blog' www.poemkid.blogspot.com Her post is entitled 'Clouds......' and was written after some rather random thought :D Her letter was to a cloud, whereas this letter is from a cloud. It would make more sense if you read hers first soooo go check out her blog!
Around planet earth
Dear Evelyn,
Thank you for your questions, I would love to answer them. It gives me something to do as it can sometimes get so boring up here.
We are so high in the sky because we need to see exactly where we are and where we are heading. If you don’t know where you are, how can you say where you have been? Sometimes we get confused and need to stop, like the traffic does in front of the flashy lights to take a moment and enjoy the time we have. But sometimes we don’t all want to stop and we tear cleanly apart, it does not hurt. We don’t feel pain. My other half is somewhere else; I will search for here until the earth stops. We wouldn’t need to go near the ground, so I wouldn’t know if we would crash into the hills. I would have thought it would be a soft landing though – wouldn’t you think?
I wonder what it would be like to come down and talk to you, which is why I am so happy to get a letter. I people watch a lot, I see a lot up here. I wonder why you do the things you do, they don’t always make sense but I guess we all need to make mistakes. I don’t see the future I only see what is in front of me. I see everything, the good and the bad. I see the wars and chaos, but I also see the help and the concern and the ways people go out of their way to make sure everything is ok and that you live in a better place. It makes me cry, so happy do I feel when I see such goodness and happiness and excitement. I am glad I am not human though, at least as a cloud I cannot make any mistakes.
I do not feel the cold, o if I do I don’t notice. The changes are so slow up here I barely notice anything. I don’t know what happened to my mummy cloud – or if I ever had one. I sort of just…appeared from no-where. But if I could have a mummy cloud like you have your parents, I would be rosy pink with love.
I talk a lot, we tell each other about what we have seen. The things you do, the things that might happen. We get angry sometimes, deception happens here as well and we crash and yell at each other. We cry when we get frustrated and we scream when we don’t know what to say anymore. When we stop arguing, everything looks ok again and we join together to make a bigger cloud. Does that explain why I am so big?
We all feel different. Its hard to explain, one day you will have to come up and find out for yourself, I will find a way for you. When you cry, you tend to go a bit red or pink and when you are ill or sick you go grey or white, when we cry we do the same. When we are black we are so full of emotion we don’t know what to do, when we are slightly upset we only hint at grey. It depends. We don’t die; we live on and on, until we no longer exist. I don’t know what happens then. I know as much about it as you do death.
I cannot see heaven, I can see light. Lots of pearly white light but no more. I only see earth on one side and darkness of space on the other so the edge of the universe is beyond me. I cannot say. Angels come to visit and watch with us though. They are beautiful, created from the goodness you peoples hearts these angels are. Their wings help them walk; they feel so gentle with voices that would melt your heart. It makes me cry to listen to them. They are graceful and serene but can get frustrated like us as well. They are the thunder to our lightning.
I cannot see the universe; I can only see the edges of your world. I hope that one day when I disappear I can see the outside of everything and know all of the answers to the questions I have left.
Yours faithfully,
All in a days work :)
I used to work in a sweet shop and I got very bored the one week I was there. I'd spent a while spreading out what was left of the stock on the shelves so it looked relatively full and then had nothing to do but sit and wait. No-one was coming in and the few who did, didn't buy anything because we didn't have what they wanted. So I began to write poetry :) Here is the final version.
An empty sweetshop in an empty high street
Tap, tap, tap,
The high street is still empty
The paths as bare as these shelves
Which shuffle, and divide
To fake the supply of sweets.
In, out, sigh,
A dance, a step to pass
The time which drags on so slow.
Half past four – an eternity away
From my watch so stubborn, so still.
Knock, knock, knock,
Our dozing heads lift in surprise
Stretched bright smiles and eyes
Full of sparkle as we watch
The customer looks… then leaves.
On, off, on,
No power, no sale, no radio.
Lock up and leave? Or pay for light?
Or sit in the darkness and watch
The high street still as empty as these shelves.