

Should I dare to dance?

Apologises, my fault. I've just had a lot on my plate recently and haven't been able to blog. Not that excuses matter. Anyway - here is a recent poem. I had a bit of a Sylvia Plath moment when I was reading it aloud, and thought it sounded quite good =D I like it sooo..anyway. Here it is, I'll begin to dance across these eggshells...

Dare to dance across the
corners, the points and curves
of the eggs
Lined in perfect rows.
Each polished to the perfection of a dream
of my dream.
I’ll stay asleep, not to wake the giant,
and close the lid to protect myself from the harm
Of disorder.
Moving forward,
with the grace which is as clearly nonexistent
as the future.
Most unfortunate indeed.
I crawl and crawl,
to balance and perfect
No danger, (just the fear of what in truth is not really there)
So I spread my weight, to be sure, down I fall,
until the shell breaks
piece, by piece,
Until all that is left, is the sting and remains
Of those perfected lines.
In each fragment, a memory of the picture before
which I find

I am embedded in every piece
Which shattered across the silver of that cloud
Hung, in the midst of everything
On the balance of what was meant to be.


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