

Don't really have much to say....'s today's post :)

The famous unknown child

Tear stained eyes follow the ‘famous’ boy.
a name? None, but heartfelt sympathy,
sewn to Sadness, reflection, distress,
then poured out of hearts, in showers
to show the other side.

The boy will not ‘know’ as we know.
nor see, sing or fly.
Innocence, his only friend who hasn’t betrayed
and Innocence, which will claim him

This boy sees past all tears, all fears
he doesn’t know life.
This...child will leave us,
Knowing how kind his Innocence was to him
without realising
how cruel life can be in return.


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I'm not really a decision making kind of person...

Everyone makes decisions, however I'm not one of the most decisive of people :) This poem is about having to make an uninformed decision and how this 'character' goes about it. She knows that it will come back to her if she leaves it but still.... anyways, here it is!!!

Flip a coin
Roll a dice
Choose a hand.

though in itself, not entirely understood
but tried.
The sense made clear enough
nervous enough
for everything to stop
'An end'

Flip a coin
Roll a dice
Choose a hand

Go for it?
Or leave it for now
a choice to be made at a
later date? or asked
Does she...

Flip a coin
Roll a dice
Choose a hand

trust her instincts
or go with the flow?
(She doesn't care what they think)
but could she really...
once she thought about it

Flip a coin
Roll a dice
Choose a hand

Was it right?
Or was she scared?
It'll come around again,
soon? or later?
Then she'll be here again
and may have to...

Flip a coin
Roll a dice
Choose a hand...


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T'was Prettyful :)

Sorry it's been a while, busy busy busy :) I wrote this one after seeing a full rainbow on the way home. T'was beautiful, and me being me started scribbling down the following :D

Two sides collide
the forward and the reverse,
the extremes and the chances.
You take in the
moment... seize the opportunity, begin
the battle, surrounded by
the sun and rain
to take something good
and the something bad
to create that something


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Am I what you would have wanted?

Third post of the week - look at me go :) This one was inspired by some lyrics (the ones in italics below) it one of my most recent, but maybe not one of my best.

Am I what you would have wanted?

‘What would you think of me now?
So lucky, so strong, so proud’

Am I what you would have wanted?
Hardworking, successful and now, happy?
I’ve done my best, played to my strengths
And come out as close to ‘on top’ as I can

But what about away from that?
Have I shamed you, disappointed you?
Did you think I was ‘better than that’?
Or are you proud that I stop when it gets too much?

I am happy, he makes me happy.
I am lucky, strong and proud to say he’s with me
Is it what you would have wanted
Do you think...

Or am I shamed.
I lied to stay out of trouble, and will end up doing so again.
I don’t say what I’ve been up to
But I don’t do it just for me
But for him

Is that wrong?

What would you think of me now?
So lucky, so strong, so proud
Or so stupid, so wrong, so not what you knew.


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Staring at the old me in the mirror..

I wrote this after an...eventful day, I'd come home feeling amazing, special, new and then before I went to bed I went through the old routine until I looked and felt unspecial, plain and rather insignificant. It was the old me that came back and stared at me in the mirror that led to this poem...and a few notes I could just about read from my notebook by my pillow the next morning :)

Thick frame, strong wire, and i’m the geek again

Goodnight kiss, I’ll see you soon.
She wonders up the driveway,
Swimming, dazed,
Did she really just do that?
Surprising herself now, that’s new.
A wave goodbye, still sends a message a moment later
Like he did before, her turn now.
Nice time? Yes mum.
Silence, the glare washes over her.
She washes off the day though still smells of him
Takes care of each tooth, an acquired routine
With something to hold
Stares into the mirror at an unusual angle
Takes her sight away and seals it in a box
Picks up her old sight, her old self, her past look
Looks back to the mirror
Lies down to sleep
Thick frames, strong wire and I’m the geek again.

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Not so cryptic poetry =]

I wrote this one not so long ago, there are two characters in this though they have no names other than 'one' and 'another'. I think it's a bit cryptic, though that may be because there are hidden bits and pieces in it which you might not pick up on. Well, anyway here's my second post =]

Atomic configuration

At a point where two are closest
Forces are hard to break
The concentration, connection
Stands, or rather sits out
Potent against the ongoings
Of the ins and outs
Outs and ins
Of normality.
One who saw another
(who didn’t dream like this)
With lights and nights
Are held together
By thought and silence
(and no awkwardness)
But the knowledge of breaking away is there
However easy to ignore
The reluctance to go makes that bond stronger
Until another
Bond breaks
With one who walked home.

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And so it begins =]

Well I guess this is my first blog, I should try and make it special or at least here I go!

I write a lot and rarely seen without a pen and pad in my bag. I love to write poetry and have recently tried writing prose, so far so good =] I plan to post things on here every week, whether it be poetry or something else I think you might find entertaining.

Oh and check out my 'sister blog' the address is Her poetry is amazing! Go take a look!!

So here's a poem to get started, feedback is greatly appreciated!

Inspiring me, Ignoring them.

Uncomfortable chairs stand in disarray
after the day that – for me – was inspirational.
Hearing each line as was intended,
showed me how poetry is meant
to feel, to be heard like music,
with rhythm.
to thought and experience.
association and likeness,
which the others don’t understand.

They’d sat, and moaned and complained.
making jokes
not seeing the magic before them
of words, powerful and real
unlike the screens they’ll go back to
for hours, to forget
what they’d consider
to be a waste of ‘gaming time’.
They merely snored through your
and language
They couldn’t be reached
But if I was the only soul touched
by your presence
your poetry
then I hope it was worth it.

Thanks for reading, hope I haven't bored you already :)


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