

And so it begins =]

Well I guess this is my first blog, I should try and make it special or at least here I go!

I write a lot and rarely seen without a pen and pad in my bag. I love to write poetry and have recently tried writing prose, so far so good =] I plan to post things on here every week, whether it be poetry or something else I think you might find entertaining.

Oh and check out my 'sister blog' the address is Her poetry is amazing! Go take a look!!

So here's a poem to get started, feedback is greatly appreciated!

Inspiring me, Ignoring them.

Uncomfortable chairs stand in disarray
after the day that – for me – was inspirational.
Hearing each line as was intended,
showed me how poetry is meant
to feel, to be heard like music,
with rhythm.
to thought and experience.
association and likeness,
which the others don’t understand.

They’d sat, and moaned and complained.
making jokes
not seeing the magic before them
of words, powerful and real
unlike the screens they’ll go back to
for hours, to forget
what they’d consider
to be a waste of ‘gaming time’.
They merely snored through your
and language
They couldn’t be reached
But if I was the only soul touched
by your presence
your poetry
then I hope it was worth it.

Thanks for reading, hope I haven't bored you already :)


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Anonymous said...

Those poets were boring that day. if only Simon Armitage had been there. but cool poem =)

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